Research Blog - Planning for my Commercial About Me!
I was really excited to add some songs that described my persona. I know I couldn’t add any explicit songs, so I turned to two artists I could depend on, Tyler the Creator and Tems. I am still contemplating on if I want to have two songs or not, as I feel that two songs in a 30 second interval would be overdoing it. However, I know for sure I will use Tyler the Creator’s “Enjoy Right Now, Today” on my commercial. It’s one of my most listened to songs on Spotify, for good reason. The vibe of the song is relaxed. It’s just one of those songs that you put on and lay down on your bed and stare at the ceiling, you get me?
I will include a video of me doing something I love. I have a lot of videos of me bowling and getting strikes so I am using one of those videos. I will also included a video of me doing something funny. I would say I’m generally a very funny person, so it wouldn’t be right to not have something funny in my commercial about myself.
I will use some pictures of my family: my mom, my dad, and my two sisters. I will also include a picture of me when I was a baby. I think these choices are pretty much self explanatory. I want to use pictures of my number one priority in life, (besides God of course) family, and then number two, myself (my well being). I’m big on self care. Everyone should be. If you aren’t treating yourself good, how can you expect to treat anybody else good?!
I hope that everything goes smooth during this “making a commercial” process. I will try my best. Until next time. Out.
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