Production Blog - Finishing Up

 Hey Bloggers! This is the home stretch for my commercial about me. As you all know by now, I have been using CapCut as my main software to edit my commercial. I have made just a few changes since the last time I posted a blog. These changes aren't as big as the others, which is to be expected because I am practically done. However, I still consider them to be important as I am a perfectionist. I wanted to make sure my video was too long. And I also wanted to make sure my video wasn’t too short. I noticed that the current time I had on my videos were way too long, so I shortened them. Along with that, I also made sure the music wasn’t too loud, or too quiet. I double checked everything. Actually, no, I triple checked everything to make sure it was to my liking. I watched the video a bunch of times. I even showed my family the video just to make sure that it was good. Once I got the final approval, it was ready to be complete. I changed the name to the CapCut file to “Commerical About Me”. This has been a really fun experience. I can’t wait for all the future pieces of media we will make in the future. Until then, I will keep you guys posted. As always, it’s been fun. Marvin, signing out.


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