Production Blog - Minor Touches

 Hey bloggers! I am almost done with my commercial about me!! Since the last blog I posted, I've made a few changes and updates. In addition to adding "fade out" and "fade in" to my videos, I almost made my captions fade out and fade in. The captions will appear at the bottom of the screen. Captions will, you guessed it, describe what I am showing the viewer. I made the captions a couple sentences long at maximum. I did this because I wanted the viewer to focus more on the video/picture. The longer I made a caption, the less time a viewer would have to grasp what they were looking at. I also made some minor adjustments to the pictures I added. For example, in my baby picture, the picture was too dark. So, in order to fix this I used CapCut. CapCut allows you to edit the depiction of both videos and pictures. For example, you can add contrast, brightness, or sharpness to a picture. So, I added some contrast and brightness, to make the quality of the picture a little better. I also did this to the videos that needed it also. I noticed that some of the captions I added weren't all placed in the same place. For example, I would transition from one video to the next, and the caption would move slightly to the left or right. To fix this, I went back and made sure everything was aligned correctly. I am almost done with my commercial about me! I can't wait to show everyone! Until next time, Out.


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