I Fixed Some Problems

 Welcome back! As promised, today I will be fixing one of the complaints mentioned in my last blog. In my last blog, I gave 3 people the chance to critique my final task. One of the biggest things that all three of them mentioned was the music volume. Because of this, I will be adjusting and fixing not only the volume of the music today but also some other things they mentioned. The volume of the music was a very easy fix. In CapCut, all you have to do is click on the music. Next, go to volume, and then turn the volume down until you are satisfied. Along with turning the volume down on the music, I also turned the volume up on the original sound of the film. By doing this, it helped the audience better hear the dialogue and not have to strain to make out what the cast was saying. Another issue I addressed was the auto-captions displaying the wrong words. I am thankful that those who I showed the film to caught this mistake. Although it is small, it is something that shouldn't be overlooked. It adds the feeling of professionalism when there are no visual errors in a film. I have been saying this for a long time: I want my final task to be as professional as I can make it. I can't wait to share this film with you all. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do! Stay tuned on Friday, as I will be uploading my final task then. I will work on fixing all the minor errors until then and double-check everything before I post it to my blog! Until then, out.
