I Finished My Final Task and Got Some Feedback!

Welcome back, guys! Guess who finished their final task? Me of course. After a lot of time and effort, I am happy to say that my final project is completely finished... or so I thought. I showed some people the film before I released it and I got a lot of really good feedback. Of course, it's good to hear that what I spent the last couple of months making is really good, however, there are still some things that I can touch up on before I finish. I interviewed about three people. I showed them my film and asked them what stood out to them that I could fix. One of the main things that all three people said was to lower the music volume so that you could hear the dialogue. From a viewer's perspective, it's super important that the music in a movie or short film doesn't drown out the talking for a bunch of reasons. First off, we need to understand what the characters are saying, right? If the music's too loud, we're like, "Huh? What did they say?" Plus, music helps set the vibe of a scene, but if it's blasting over the talking, it can mess up the whole feel. You know when you're chatting with someone and there's music playing in the background? You still want to hear them, not just the music. Also, characters in movies have feelings, and we need to catch all those emotions through what they say. Real life doesn't have a soundtrack drowning out our conversations, so keeping the music chill helps make the movie feel more real. And, the filmmakers have a vibe they're going for. They want us to feel something with their movie, but if the music's too loud, it's like someone screaming over your thoughts. It's okay to have music, but having it overpower dialogue is a big no that I should've caught before showing others my film. There were other minor things such as the automated captions displaying the wrong words, but other than that, everything else seemed fine. I will come back tomorrow on how I fixed this problem! Until then, out.


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