Welcome back, guys! Guess who finished their final task? Me of course. After a lot of time and effort, I am happy to say that my final project is completely finished... or so I thought. I showed some people the film before I released it and I got a lot of really good feedback. Of course, it's good to hear that what I spent the last couple of months making is really good, however, there are still some things that I can touch up on before I finish. I interviewed about three people. I showed them my film and asked them what stood out to them that I could fix. One of the main things that all three people said was to lower the music volume so that you could hear the dialogue. From a viewer's perspective, it's super important that the music in a movie or short film doesn't drown out the talking for a bunch of reasons. First off, we need to understand what the characters are saying, right? If the music's too loud, we're like, "Huh? What did they say?" Plus, m...